Biblical Studies & Chapel
Middle School Curriculum
The main objective of Middle School Bible is to give the students a good understanding of the Bible and how to apply what they learn in a practical way to real life situations in their own lives. The students will be involved in a number of different activities and projects that will increase their understanding of who God is and how His love for them impact who they are. They will study the Bible, memorize scripture, learn about servant leadership through missions, among many other assignments designed to develop and grow the student's understanding of God and the Bible.
High School Curriculum
Bible I - Old Testament Survey
This course will take the students through a chronological study of the Old Testament. The goal is for the student to see the Old Testament as a unified whole, in its context, rather than as a compilation of isolated facts, stories, and teachings. They will see that the Old Testament is part of one big story: God’s story and His plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, as well as, God’s great love for humanity and the great lengths He has gone through to rescue lost and hurting people. The students will also study the Bible’s cultural and historical context to help bring greater understanding and meaning, while applying its timeless truths to today’s world.
Bible II - New Testament Survey
New Testament Survey will cover the Inter-biblical period and the Gospels, then use the Book of Acts as the historical backdrop to take students through the Epistles and Revelation, helping them to better understand the historical context of each book. In their study of the growth and development of the early Christian Church and spread of the gospel, the students will:
- Gain a general knowledge of the inter-biblical Period, with particular emphasis on those events and institutions that had an effect on the New Testament era.
- Examine in detail the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, the land in which He lived, His teachings, and His death and resurrection.
- Be reminded of the basic message of the Church –“Jesus is the Christ”— which we understand and confess by grace through faith.
- Draw practical applications from the teachings of the New Testament for their personal, family, and social life.
- Enable the student to develop a biblical foundation for life and for Christian Service.
Bible III - World Views & Theology
World Views
This part of the course will cover key questions that students will face after high school concerning their faith, other worldviews, and absolute truth. The goal of this class is to give students enough background of the prominent worldviews in today’s world so that they can understand the basic tenets of each system. Following the background, each subject will be examined from a rational and biblical perspective and equip the students to, as Peter says in 1 Peter 3:15, “give a reasoned answer for the hope they have in Christ with gentleness and respect,” as they gain understanding of the reliability, authenticity, and authority of the Bible. In order for the students to personally own their biblical beliefs they must be assured of the scriptures reliability. Most importantly, the course looks to teach them that it is possible to rationally examine all truth claims and still have a love and respect for people of all faiths.
It is important for students to know what they believe, why they believe it, and where to go in the Word of God to find answers. This study will help students understand core Christian truths that provide the framework of the Christian worldview. In this portion of the course, students will learn what theology is and then progress through basic Christian doctrines such as the doctrines of revelation, God, creation and providence, humanity, sin, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the atonement and salvation, the church, and eschatology. While many things are debatable, students will discuss and learn core Christian doctrines that are clearly taught in scripture and unify all Christians.
Bible IV - Christian Ethics & Apologetics
Christian Ethics
This course section is the analysis of moral behavior, of distinguishing ethical principles and issues from a Biblical perspective. Students will begin this study by understanding the Scriptural and philosophical foundations of this subject. This introductory material will clearly define key terms and basic concepts and will establish the importance of studying ethical issues from a Christian Worldview. The remainder of this course will be the application of Christian principles and ethical standards to numerous topics relevant in today’s society. Each student is expected to develop critical thinking skills designed to promote a Christ-honoring approach to issues that can be challenging and complex. The basic course structure will incorporate lecture presentations, selected readings, daily assignments, group activities, etc. Students are encouraged to ask questions, be engaged in the learning process, and be prepared to dig beyond “pat” answers or the cultural “herd mentality”. Believing that God, through the Scriptures, has provided clear guidelines to every ethical issue, it is the intent of this course to help equip and prepare each student to successfully engage their culture and be “salt and light” in the years ahead.
“Apologetics” comes from the Greek word apologia, which means a reasoned defense of any factual claim or idea. The goal of this class is not aimed at criticizing or attacking other belief systems but to challenge the students to test Christianity’s truth claims, to stimulate them to intellectually think through the questions that they will be challenged with in college, and equip them to effectively defend the truths of Christianity. Like Paul, in Acts 17, they will be challenged to base their defense of Christianity on historical evidence, philosophical arguments, and now, scientific investigation to show the reliability, authenticity, and authority of the Bible.